Jumat, 08 Desember 2017

tugas diary chapter 2

Diary chapter 2

1.      Sunday, december 3rd 2017
Today is sunny day and its very hot, not just because the effect from rain that happen 3 days in a row, but also because my ventilator broke. I have a fan that i usually used when hot, but today its broken, maybe because i’m overusing it. But its fan from 5 years ago, since im at home. Well i have to but another one, guess i’ll wait until i got some job.
2.      Tuesday, december 5th 2017
My friend visited me, he is 2 years older than me, he was study in Amikom. He said that he was nothing to do this week, so he visit his friends, including me. I use this opportunity to ask for final exam, and he gave me some tips to face the final exam. Well, sometime good thing just happen out of the blue.
3.      Wednesday, december 6th 2017
Two free days, yaay. There suppose to be one class this afternoon, but  the teacher can’t attend the class, so we just have to do the task that already prepared by the teacher, and put it on class. Its an easy task actually. So, today im free, and tomorrow is my free day of the week. Better make plan, because i have lot things to do, like washing my clothes, put my bed out for the sun, clean some mess in my room, and the most important, make work for home task.
4.      Friday, december 8th 2017
Another final exam for my class, seems like it would be a never ending task. Some minutes ago my friend jus told me that we have some new final exam to do, and its extremely hard, need a lot of attention to do it. So i guess i’ll start do it now.

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